Oracle / SAP Sizing - Veeam Plugin for SAP and Oracle

This blog provides the sizing calculations for the Veeam Plugin used with Oracle and SAP. It outlines the resource requirements on the Source Server, Veeam Repository Server, and Veeam Backup Server.Fusce aliquet placerat lacus ac convallis. Nullam commodo arcu felis. 

Source Server Specifications:
Resource Utilization per Channel:

Each channel consumes 1 CPU and 200 MB of RAM.


# of Channels = CPU cores required.
200 MB * Number of Channels = Total Memory Required.

Veeam Repository Server Specifications:
Resource Utilization:

Every 5 channels require 1 CPU core and 1 GB of RAM.

Veeam Backup Server Specifications:
Resource Requirement:

For every 1 million backup files, the server requires 15 GB of RAM.


The requirement is based on the number of backup files generated by Oracle and SAP.

Example Calculation:
Oracle Server Configuration:

  • 12 Channels = 12 CPU Cores
  • 200 MB * 12 = 2400 MB Memory

Veeam Repository Server:

  • 12 Channels / 5 = 2.4 CPU Cores
  • 2.4 GB Memory

Data Transfer Speed: Channel Capacity:

Each channel transfers 120 – 150 MB/s, approximately 450 GB/hour.

Example Scenario:

  • Database Size: 25 TB
  • Backup Window: 10 hours
  • Per Hour Transfer Rate: 25 TB / 10 = 2.5 TB/hour
  • 2.5TB*1024=2560GB
  • Required Channels: 2560 GB / 450 GB = ~6 Channels


  • Channel Allocation: Based on the database size and backup window, the required number of channels can be determined.
  • Compute Considerations: Resource requirements must be assessed for both the source server and Veeam Backup & Repository Server.